February 08, 2020

By journalist Ivan Rodrigues

Federal deputy Erika Kokay published on her Twitter that a Cuban biotechnology industry developed the medication – Interferon Alfa – that is helping China to fight the Coronavirus.

Experts interviewed by the website do not see evidence about the parliamentarian’s post, saying that the use of Interferon Alpha has helped in the treatment of the virus.

“This has no proven evidence for such a statement,” said doctor Allan Duailibe, a cardiologist at SES-DF, with skills in neuroendocrinology, neurophysiology, neurology and psychiatry.

Another doctor who also does not see a proven scientific basis is the renowned professor and pulmonologist at SES-DF, Dr Paulo Feitosa.

“I see no reason, no evidence for that. The virus has less infectivity than the H1N1 virus. With much lower mortality. There is more fanfare than anything. I don’t know any evidence of the medication – Interferon Alfa – in the treatment of the virus, although it is used to treat some viral infections, ”concludes Feitosa.

The website consulted the Brazilian Health Department about the stock of the drug – Interferon Alfa – at its central pharmacy.

The Secretariat of Health informs that the purchase process of Alfainterferone 2B for injection of 5,000,000 units is underway. The folder explains that the shortage occurred because, despite the adoption of all measures to avoid failure in supply, there was a desert in the bidding process. New bidding started for refueling as soon as possible.